Our Vision and Mission
Become the leader in Indonesia tea industry by consistently producing safe, hygienic, and high quality products for clients and customers.
Our Commitments
Being a Reliable Company
We are committed to conduct ourselves in ways that earn the trust and respect from our customers, farmers, and partners. We have developed strong and long-term relationships with our customers, farmers, and partners to ensure that all of our products are consistent, safe, and hygienic.
Being an Innovative Company
We are committed to change, adapt, and improve ourselves to changes and demands from ever changing markets and customers. We will always be open to new ideas and technologies, to be a better, more modern, and more attentive to our customers’ needs.
We pride ourselves in producing various grades of white teas, green teas, roasted teas and orthodox black teas, as well as trades all kinds of teas.

White Tea
Un-oxidized, least processed tea among all. White tea only contains tea buds that were hand-picked before dawn. White tea contains high level of antioxidants – a free radical scavenger to prevent diseases such as heart disease and cancer. But it also has the highest caffeine level that could cause insomnia if it is drunk a few hours before sleeping. White tea has a very delicate taste and flavors.
Types Available: Camellia sinensis var. assamica white buds.

Green Tea
Green tea is a type of tea that is processed in high temperature to stop the oxidation process. Green tea contains high level of antioxidants and has many health benefits.
Types Available: Unsorted, GP, SM, SM, Peco Super, BT, Fanning, Stalk, Dust. All grades available (1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades).

Roasted Green Tea (CauCui)
This tea is extremely popular in Indonesia. Roasted green tea is made by gently firing green tea leaves until the desired aroma and taste is produced. Roasted green tea has unique flavors and aroma, among the flavors are sweet, vegetal and/ or nutty flavors.
Types Available: light-roasted, medium-roasted, and dark-roasted teas.

Black Tea
(Red Tea)
Fully-oxidized, most black teas have strong flavors and aroma. It has lower antioxidant level compare to green tea, and also has the second-highest caffeine content after white tea.
Types Available: (Orthodox Black Tea) BOP, BOPF, PF, BP, Dust, BT. All grades available (1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades).

Puer Tea
Puerh teas are undergoing fermentation. They are exposed to bacteria that ferments the tea in ways that are similar to wine and yoghurt. Most Puerh teas have a very strong taste, and sometimes
earthy taste. Puerh tea is low in caffeine. It is proven to help increase metabolism and reduce cholesterols.
Types Available: by request.
Our Location
Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia.
Tasikmalaya, West Java Indonesia.
Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia.
Contact Us
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Phone: +62 266 222288/ +62 266 221288
Fax: +62 266 229288
Email: info@tribintanginterglobal.com
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